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Opteon™ SF01 is a Low Global Warming Potential (GWP), nonflammable, and zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) product that is ideal for removal of particulate & ionic soils in vapor degreasing and contact cleaning applications. Common applications include: ionic, fingerprint, light oils and greases removals in CMOS camera modules, OIS, VCM, optical and electrical sensors. Opteon SF01 hugely decreases the environmental impact in comparison to alternative solvents such as: CFC, TCA, HCFCs, PFCs, and Vertrel XE without sacrificing the performance in many applications.

  • Alternative to Vertrel XE
  • Removes particulate & ionic soil
  • Ideal for: vapor degreasing, precision cleaning, co-solvent rinsing and drying agent
  • Low GWP (<10), zero ODP, 100% non-flammable


Opteon™ SF05 is optimized for particulate removal at the sub-micron level. More specifically, it is commonly utilized in precision cleaning to eliminate contaminates from critical parts that tend to bind to the surface of the substrate through electrostatic forces and mechanical entrapment due to the surface geometry of the substrate. Like all Opteon products it has a small environmental footprint and can act as an alternative to the Vertrel X-P10 and many other much more harmful options such as HFC, HFE, and 1,1,1 trichloroethane.

  • Removes sub-micron particles from substrate surface such as dust, fibers, and skin flakes
  • Ideal for: absorption drying, particulate, fingerprint and ionics removal
  • Alternative to Vertrel X-P10
  • Ultra Low GWP, zero ODP, 100% non-flammable