Miller-Stephenson Ultra Pure Solvents

MS-752U was developed exclusively for the critical cleaning needs and strict criteria of the aerospace and critical cleaning industry. Our ultra clean, non-flammable, highly effective clean solution conforms to all LOX and ASTM criteria for oxygen cleaning and ultra high-purity finish rinse applications

  • Listed by ASTM and CGA for Oxygen Service Cleaning
  • Passes LOX Impact Test; 100% Non-Flammable
  • Ultra High Purity Cleaning Fluid (< 1.0 ppm NVR)
  • Ideal for cold cleaning, NVR verification, tube flushing, vapor degreasing, etc
MS-752U Ultra Pure Cleaning Fluid

Have Questions?

Our highly experienced team of application engineers and technical specialist can assist you with learning more about MS-752U High Purity Vertrel MCA. Call or Email our team for further assistance.

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The recommendation made here with and the information set forth with respect to the performance or use of our products are believed, but not warranted to be accurate. The products discussed are sold without warranty, as to fitness or performance, express or implied and upon condition that purchasers shall make their own test to determine suitability of such products for their particular purposes. Likewise, statements concerning the possible uses of our products are not intended as recommendations to use our products in the infringement of any patent.