Opteon SF80

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Opteon SF80


Opteon™ SF80 is next-generation, high performance specialty cleaning fluid designed to offer superior cleaning power, higher efficiency, and safety in a eco-friendly, ultra low global warming potential (GWP) and non-ozone depleting formulation. Ideally suited for vapor degreasing, precision cleaning of PCB boards, cold cleaning and removal of greases and oils. Opteon™ SF80 is increasingly chosen for vapor degreasing because of its industry leading solvency power (KB value), as well as its improved safety and environmental properties. Benefits include:

  • Alternative to Opteon™ SF79
  • Not subject to F-gas regulation
  • Best solvency power in its class
  • Ideal for Vapor degreasing, Oxygen system cleaning, 3D printing
  • Zero ODP, Ultra-Low GWP, Non-flammable